For realizing the vision of the University, the planning, organization and management of different Academic, Administrative & financial affairs is carried out in a decentralized and participative manner. As per the Act and Ordinances (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) of the University, different statutory bodies are constituted for ensuring appropriate decision making and smoothing the function of the University affairs. At the highest level Executive Council of the University is prime decision making body having a defined composition and mandate. All major decisions related to any affair of the University are taken and approved by Executive Council. The Executive Council meetings are held regularly with prior circulation of agenda to the members. The minutes of Executive Council meeting/decisions are properly recorded and shared in public domain (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/Governance/university_authorities#collapseTwo) . The action taken report on the decision of the University is presented in subsequent meeting of Executive Council along with all evidences related to deployment of decisions and strategic plans framed at the highest planning and decision making level of the University.
Similarly, for major decisions related to academic matters including curriculum, admissions, Teaching Learning process, academic calendar etc., Academic Council is major statutory body having a defined composition and mandate as per University Ordinance (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) . The meeting of Academic Council is organized at regular intervals as well as at emergent points of time to develop strategic plans and take decisions related to different academic matters of the University. The agenda of Academic Council meeting is circulated in advance to its members and after deliberation on the agenda issues encompassing academic matters, the minutes are properly recorded and shared both the members as well as on University website (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/Governance/university_authorities#collapseThree) . The minutes of Academic Council meetings are further approved in the Executive Council. Consequently after such approval, the academic plans and strategies are deployed by different schools and departments (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/Governance/university_authorities#collapseTwo). In the similar manners, the matters pertaining to accounts, audits and major financial implications are dealt and approved by Finance Committee of the University which also has a specific composition (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/Governance/university_authorities#collapseFour) and defined role as per university ordinance (Link: https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) . The decisions taken by the finance committee are further approved by the Executive Council of the university. Accordingly, different strategic plans, activities and other works of the university are implemented at various levels by different Department/Section of the university, while deploying all works in the university, high level of transparency is ensured by following the norms. Another high level statutory body of the university is ‘University Court’ which has also a specific composition and mandate as per university act and ordinances (Link: https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) . The major function of this court is to review broad policies and programmes of the university from time to time. The court meetings are organized with proper recording of minutes.
All these statutory bodies are the chief authorities of the university in which representation to different section of university employees, outside experts, eminent personalities from different progressions and field of society; student has been provided by the Act and Ordinance.
For deploying different strategies and plans related to creation of infrastructure facilities in the university, ‘University building Committee’ is constituted which is having defined composition and mandate as per university ordinance (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) .
For improving the library facilities, the university ordinances have a provision for University Library Committee (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) which is also having specific composition and mandate. For redressal of grievances of university employees and students, there is provision of a specific committee in the university as per its ordinances. For ragging related matters and harassment of women at workplace, Anti ranging squad and sparsh committee and University complaint committee have been respectively constituted as per provisions of university ordinances.
For supervising different academic affairs and developing strategic plans at the School and Department/Centre Level, the university ordinances have specifics provision for constitution of School Board and Board of Studies in each School and Department respectively. The School Board and Board of Studies have specific composition with representation for internal university members (teachers) and external subject experts. The roles and responsibilities of School Board and Board of Studies are well defined University Ordinances. The meetings of Schools Boards and Board of Studies are held regularly by the respective school/department to finalize plans and policies related to curriculum, curriculum transaction and other academic as well as co-academic activities. These two statutory bodies are mainly responsible for ensuring academic standards at school/department level and the monitoring of the strategic plans is also supervised by these bodies. The minutes of the meeting are properly recorded by concerned school/department for further reference and initiating implementation of the decisions. Similarly, at the school level/department level, for planning, deploying and evaluating various strategic plants related to research degree programmes, Departmental Standing Committee (DSC), Department Research Committee and Research Degree Committee (RDC) are constituted. All these committees have specific composition and functions as per university Ordinance (https://cuhimachal.ac.in/index.php/About_us/ordinances) .
In addition to above committee, for deploying various plans and policies of the university, a number of committees are constituted for different purposes ranging from formulating p lans and policies, planning for implementations of those plans and policies. The feedback obtained on the basis of such evaluation of execution of plans and policies is taken into consideration while formulating future plans and implementing the decisions in future.
Apart from this, in order to deploy/implement various decisions and strategic plans related to any university affair in an effective manner, various committees and sub-committees are constituted at university level and/ or school/ department level from time to time. These committees/sub-committees are assigned with specific tasks and responsibilities to perform in a desired and smooth manner. In order to supplement the functioning of these committees, small sub-committees are constituted so as to ensure proper implementation, supervise and monitor the progress of strategic plans of the university.
The composition of these committees and sub-committees are designed keeping in consideration the nature and requirements of the decision/plan to be executed. Both teaching and non-teaching faculty members are made a part of these committees for effective deployment of university’ strategies and plans.
Although different sub-committees are independent of each other, but these committees function in a collaborative manner with mutual coordinated efforts so as to execute the university plan in an effective manner and taking the university activity/plan to a successful completion. The main committee is responsible for coordination, provision and management of resources, liaison with other departments (if required) and overall supervision and monitoring of execution of university plans and strategies. The university administration is led by vice-chancellor to provide adequate and timely support to these committees for effective deployment of university decisions and plans. Such support mainly include, administrative support, ensuring timely availability of finances, infrastructural support and required manpower. All the academic and administrative affairs of the university are overall organized/carried out under the effective leadership and guidance by the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor is supported by Deans, Heads and Directors for implementation of different decisions and carrying out various academic and administrative activities at the school/department/centre level. In the similar manner, for matters related to university administration, examinations and finance, the vice-chancellor is supported by Registrar, Controller of examination and finance officer to make decisions and implement various institutional stragegies and plans. The decision making process in context of all the academic and administrative affairs is completely decentralized in which the opinion, ideas and suggestions of Deans/Heads/Directors, university officers are sought through participative approach. The Vice-Chancellor conducts regular meetings with these officials of university formally and informally so as to have their ideas and suggestions with regard to different academic and administrative affairs of the university. The Deans/Heads/Directors/Registrar/COE/Finance Officer and other university officers are engaged in receiving the ideas and suggestions from the faulty members and employees in their respective departments/brances so that the inputs from the bottom can be apparised and discussed at top level for devloping institutional strategic plans and designing various academic activities. In order to ensure effective participation of students and research scholars in different academic and co-curricular activities of the University, Dean Students Welfare regularly interacts with the students as well as obtains feedback from Deans/Head/Directors of diffrent schools/departments. Such feedback based on students needs and requrements is taken into congnizance while making decisions and undertaking and planning as well as implementation of various academic activites in the university. Such a machnism of providing an adequate and appropriate space to the views and suggestions of all concerned stakeholders has not only contributed towards cerating a decentralized, participative congenial working environment with mutual cordination and respect to all in the university but it has also help in non-emergence of grievances among the teaching and non- teaching employees as well as among the university students.
At the school/department level, different committees with involvement of students are constituted for effective deployment of strategies and plans related to orgnization of various academic activities, co-curricular activities like, community service, extension activities etc. The plans and strategies at university level as well as school/department are diligently planned, designed and executed with close coordination, mutual cooperation and proper monitoring so as to transform them into a successful venture. At the school/department/centre level, different activities and strategic plans are carried out, supervised, controlled and monitored by concerned Dean/Head/Director with support from faculty members, non-teaching staff and the students. The students are provided with maximum opportunities to organize various academic and co-curricular activites under the overall leadership, supervision and guidance of Dean/Head/Director and faculty members. This provides the students with a prior exposure about their prospective profession and also helps in among then the sense of confidence, leadership and organizational abilities. Even after successful deployment of university plans, proper follow-up is carried out to evaluate the implementation so as to bring improvements in future planning and implementation