The flag has two major Colors Saffron Color and Blue Color with a waiving pattern and contains University logo on it.
The Saffron Color is an indicator of त्याग और बलिदान, thereby stipulating that the university will prepare such students and rupture citizens who will be imbibed with nationalistic values like National Integrity, Sacrifice, Welfare of others, Devotion for the nation and other- national and social values.
The Blue Color in the flag is an indicator of the heights of the sky/universe and also reflects the deepness of the sea/the oceans, thereby reflecting that the university will make such efforts that its students will possess highest level of in-depth knowledge, understanding and skills in their respective academic fields and in other co-academic areas which is required for overall development of their personality.
The waiving pattern in the flag is an indicator of the fact that the University will never stop its endeavour and remains continuously growing and moving towards attaining quality and excellence in all academic and co-academic areas as well as in the pursuit of Knowledge and Research. This is also reflected in the motto of the University i.e. नेति नेति चरैवेति चरैवेति as mentioned in the university logo on the flag.