Associate (Projects Adhoc Vacancies)
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant and Field Investigators in ICSSR sponsored research project, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Result for the post of Research Assistant and Field Investigator, Centre for Promotion of Ecological Adventure Health and Cultural Tourism
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (01) & Field Investigator (02) in ICSSR sponsored major research project, Centre for Promotion for Ecological, Adventure, Health & Cultural Tourism
Result for the post of Field Investigator (01) in ICSSR sponsored minor research project, Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Re-advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (01) in ICSSR sponsored minor research project, Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Walk-in-Interview for ICSSR sponsored major research project, Department of Commerce
Notification for Two months Internship Programme under DST-SERB-SSR (Project), Department of Plant Sciences.
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate (01), Research Assistant (01) and Field Investigator (03) in ICSSR sponsored major research project, Department of Commerce
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project Assistant in Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, funded research project, Department of Animal Science
Re-advertisement for the post of Project Assistant in Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Shimla, funded research project, Department of Animal Science
Result for the post of Field Investigator (01) in ICSSR sponsored minor research project, Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant & Field Investigator in ICSSR sponsored major research project, Centre for Kashmir Studies
Interview call letter for the post of Senior Research Fellow (01) and Field Assistant (02) under NMHS project, Department of Environmental Sciences
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (01) in ICSSR sponsored minor research project, Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Result for the Post of Field Investigator (02) under ICSSR funded Major Research Project, Department of Education
Revised Notice regarding Walk-in Interview for the Post of Field Investigator (02) under ICSSR funded Major Research Project, Department of Education
Walk-in Interview for the Post of Field Investigator (02) under ICSSR funded Major Research Project, Department of Education
Personal Interview for the Post of Research Associate under ICSSR funded Research Project, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in ICSSR Sponsored minor research project, Centre for Yoga Studies
Personal Interview for the Post of Research Assistant (01) and Field Investigator (02) under ICSSR funded Research Project, Department of Economics (Revised)
Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow and Field Assistant NMHS-funded Small Grant (SG) project, Department of Environmental Sciences
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in ICSSR Sponsored minor research project, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Walk-in Interview for the Post of Field Investigator under ICSSR funded Minor Research Project (Revised)
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate in the ICSSR Project under the Department of Library and Information Science
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant in Himachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board Shimla, funded research project, Department of Animal Science
Revised Advertisement for the post of one Research Assistant and two Field Investigator (purely on temporary/ contract basis) in ICSSR Sponsored Research Project, Department of Economics
Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant under Himalayan Life Science Society, Department of Animal Sciences
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (purely on temporary/ contract basis) in ICSSR sponsored research project, Department of Himachal Pradesh Kendriya Vishwavidyalaya Business School