The School of Humanities is an emergent school, which aims to promote critical thinking, creative expression, and intellectual curiosity among the learners and the seekers of knowledge. The School offers the aspiring young minds an interdisciplinary and dynamic milieu where they can develop comprehensive and critical awareness of diverse disciplines, themes and perspectives, which serves in developing insights into the knowledge traditions of Bharat as well the outside world. The seekers are prepared for a variety of careers in different professions and with inculcation of critical capabilities to thrive in an uncertain world.
The vision of the School of Humanities is on developing the holistic person, fostering deep engagement with faculty, and accentuating the connections among academic disciplines. We emphasize experiential learning based on practicality of programs and faculty-mentored study in a global, diverse, and inclusive learning environment.
Being an upcoming interdisciplinary school of thought and practice, it proposes to offer plethora of plethora of multi disciplinary programs in diverse streams of humanities, which included Yoga Studies, Philosophy, Dharma, Religion and many more. An important feature of the school is its continuous endeavour towards the indigenization of the knowledge transfer to the learners with the methodologies evolving from the Bhartiya knowledge systems. The promotion and proliferation of the Indic values while simultaneously encompassing and inculcating the best of the western and eastern world is what this school intends to incorporate in its curriculum and allied co-curricular pursuits.
The school and its emerging departments and centers under it will train the students to be an effective communicator, collaborator, creative thinker, and a lifelong learner. It is my honour to serve as Dean of this School, and I am committed to the belief that the programs offered in the Humanities provide the best preparation for the emerging world's professional demands. I welcome learners to the School of Humanities and invite them to explore our program offerings, the expertise of our faculty, innovative pedagogy and realize an individual’s innate potential. We help to build the foundation for a well-lived life by strengthening the creative faculties to see the world through a variety of different, and sometimes, conflicting perspectives.