Notices & Circulars
Notifications For the Award of Ph.D
Notifications For the Award of M.Phil
Pre-Ph.D Submission/Viva-Voce
Pre-Ph.D. Viva-Voce of Ms. Shikha Pawar (CUHP18RDENG06) & Ms. Sumita Kumari (CUHP18RDENG07), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Viva-Voce of Mr. Bhumesh Kumar (CUHP20RDDDU06), Centre for Deendayal Upadhyay Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Leena Thakur (CUHP20RDPLS02), Department of Plant Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Deepak (CUHP21RDMATH04), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sandeep Kumar (CUHP20RDPHY05), Department of Physics & Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Damoder Goutam (CUHP20RDSOC01), Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Malti Sharma (CUHP20RDVA02), Department of Visual Arts
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Munish Sharma (CUHP21RDPLS07), Department of Plant Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Garima Thakur (CUHP21RDMATH06), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Ayushee Gautam (CUHP20RDECO04), Department of Economics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Rohan Sharma (CUHP20RDSOC04), Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Sankita Sharma (CUHP20RDSW07), Department of Social Work
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar, Department of Tourism & Travel Management
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Praveen Kumar (CUHP20RDHIS14), Department of History
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Manoj Thakur (CUHP17RDENG04), Department of English
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Anita Kumari (CUHP17RDENG01), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sunil Prajapat (CUHP21RDMATH13), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Atul Kumar (CUHP18RDTS01), Centre for Tribal Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Resesarch Scholar's, Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Jagbir Singh Chandel (CUHP20RDDDU08), Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Bhumesh Kumar (CUHP20RDDDU06), Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Apoorva Sharma (CUHP17RDENG02), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Chander Dass, Department of History
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Rajesh Kumar Tiwari, Centre for Tibetan Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Vibhav Chandra Sharma, Department of Political Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Sarita Bamotra (CUHP17RDENV09), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Mihir Borana (CUHP20RDHIS10), Department of History
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Kajal Parmar (CUHP18RDJCW01​), Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Surabhi Chandan (CUHP20RDENG10), Department of English
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Girish Sharma (CUHP20RDCS02​), Department of Computer Science and Informatics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Dheeraj Kumar (CUHP20RDCS01​), Department of Computer Science and Informatics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Pankaj Sharma (CUHP18RDSKT05​), Department of Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Himisha Dixit (CUHP17RDCBB02​), Centre for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms.Oshin Sharma (CUHP20RDENG03), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr Damoder Goutam (CUHP20RDSOC01) and Mr Vishv Mohan (CUHP20RDSOC08), Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Harish Chander (CUHP17RDTS01), Centre for Tribal Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Showkat Ahmed Mir (CUHP17RDEDU04), Department of Education
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Harsh Sharma (CUHP18RDENV02), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Chhabeel Kumar (CUHP18RDENV01), Department of Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Ashish Dogra (CUHP17RDENV02), Department of Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (CUHP20RDJKS01), Centre for Kashmir Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Balinder Singh (CUHP20RDPOLSC03), Department of Political Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Gurphej Singh (CUHP20RDPOLSC04), Department of Political Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Ankush (CUHP17RDPHY03), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Submission of Mr. Munish Kumar (CUHP20RDDDU10), Centre for Deendayal Upadhyaya Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Vikrant Sharma (CUHP20RDDDU12), Centre for Deendayal Upadhyaya Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr Akash Deep Jaryal (CUHP20RDDDUS01), Centre for Deendayal Upadhyaya Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms Rishu Verma (CUHP17RDPHY09), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Geetika (CUHP20RDANS03), Department of Animal Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Shikha Awasthi (CUHP18RDPHY02), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Sachin Kumar (CUHP17RDENV08), Department of Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Deepak Sharma (CUHP20RDENV02), Department of Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Tanya Sharma (CUHP18RAMATH01) , Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Osheen Sharma (CUHP20RDENG03), Department of English
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr Anuj Kumar (CUHP17RAMATH01), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Sh. Girish Sharma (CUHP20RDCS02), Department of Computer Science and Informatics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms Aditi Sharma (CUHP17RDPHY01), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr Monal Kashav (CUHP17RDPHY06), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Ajay Kumar (CUHP17RDECO01), Department of Economics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Aakriti Singh (CUHP17RDEDU01), Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Himani Thakur (CUHP17RDPHY04), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Sapna (CUHP14RDLIS01), Department of Libarary and Information Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Chetan Singh Guleria (CUHP20RDDDU07), Centre for Deen Dayal Upadhyay Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Submission Seminar of Mrs. Lalita Devi (CUHP17RDCAS05), Centre for Ambedkar Studies
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mrs. Mayrika Dhiman (CUHP17RDMATH02) , Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mrs. Kanika Mahajan (CUHP17RDENV05) , Department of Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Neeraj Kumar Mani (CUHP17RDEDU03) , Department of Education
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Dheeraj Kumar (CUHP20RDCS01), Department of Computer Science and Informatics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Harnam Singh (CUHP14RDENG02) , Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Synopsis Submission of Swastik Sharma (CUHP21RDENG01), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of various RD Scholars, Department of English
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Lata Kumari (CUHP17RDEDU02), Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Vimleash Patel (CUHP17RDLIS01), Department of Library & Information Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Anuja Kumari (CUHP14RDPHY02), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (CUHP17RDTS05) & Moolchandera Singh (CUHP17RDTS03), Centre for Tribal studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Rishu Verma (CUHP17RDPHY09), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Ankush (CUHP17RDPHY03), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Manish Kumar (CUHP18RDENG02) and Ms. Nanditha R. Shatry (CUHP18RDENG05), Department of English
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Sh. Sumit Chauhan (CUHP17RDEDU05), Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Navneet Kaushal (CUHP17RDTT01), Department of Tourism & Travel Management
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Mr. Anil Khachi (CUHP17RDPHY02), Department of Physics & Astronomical Science
Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Swapna (CUHP15RDPHY05), Department of Physics & Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Tanya Sharma (CUHP18RDMATH01), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sarwan Singh (CUHP20RDPBD06), Department of Punjabi & Dogri
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Shivu Kuma (CUHP17RDCAS07), Centre for Ambedkar Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Jaspreet Singh (CUHP17RDENG03), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Abnish Kumar (CUHP15RDSW01), Department of Social Work
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Aakriti (CUHP17RDEDU01), Department of Education
Revised Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sachin Kumar (CUHP17RDENV08), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sachin Kumar (CUHP17RDENV08), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Ashish Dogra (CUHP17RDENV02), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mrs. Sarita Bamotra (CUHP17RDENV09), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Manoj Thakur (CUHP17RDENG04), Department of English
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Sumit Chauhan (CUHP17RDEDU05), Department of Education
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Showkat Ahmad Mir (CUHP17RDEDU04), Department of Education
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Himani Thakur (CUHP17RDPHY04), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms. Shiwani Kalia (CUHP15RDPHY03), Department of Physics and Astronomical Science
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mrs. Kanika Mahajan (CUHP17RDENV05), Department of Environmental Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar/Presentation of Mr. Vimlesh Patel (CUHP17RDLIS01), Department of Library & Information Sciences
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar/Presentation of Ms. Sapna (CUHP14RDLIS01), Department of Library & Information Sciences
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Tarun Vashishat (CUHP14RDT&T02), Department of Tourism & Travel Management
Pre-Ph.D. submission of Mr. Neeraj Kumar Mani (CUHP17RDEDU03), Department of Education
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Mr. Chandan Anand (CUHP17RDCAS012), Centre for Ambedkar Studies
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar/Presentation of Ms. Mayrika Dhiman (CUHP17RDMATH02), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-Ph.D. Seminar/Presentation of Mr. Anuj Kumar (CUHP17RDMATH01), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Kanika Sood (CUHP15RDMATH01), Srinivasa Ramanujan Department of Mathematics
Pre-submission of Mr. Neeraj Kumar Mani (CUHP17RDEDU03), Department of Education
Notices for Re-evaluation
Notices for award of Golden Chance
Notifications for Fee Submission