Department of Physics & Astronomical Science


S.No. Title of the Research Project Funding Agency Sanctioned Amount Duration of the Project (Years) Faculty Involved in Research Project (PI/CO-PI) Person Hired for Project with Name & Designation Status
1 Size and composition dependence of nano-spinel ferrite properties and their applications in ferrofluids and humidity sensing devices UGC-BSR start-up grant Rs. 10,00,000 2 Years Dr. Noorjahan On-going
2 Analytical and Numerical Study of Black Holes in Strong Gravity Regime DAE-BRNS Rs.27,00,000 3 Years Dr. Ayan Chatterjee Mr. Akshay, SRF On-going
3 Gravitational Confinement: Trapped Surfaces in Gravitational Collapse DST- SERB Rs. 6,60,000 3 years Dr. Ayan Chatterjee Completion report submitted
4 Development of Value Added Products from Waste Plastic State Council for Science, Technology & Environment (SCSTE), H.P. Rs. 7,38,000 2 Years Dr. O.S.K.S. Sastri (Co - Principal Investigator) Ms. Suman, Project Assistant Completed
5 Synthesis of Nanomaterials and its Application UGC, New Delhi Rs. 6,00,000 2 Years Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh Completed