Research & Publications (Proceedings of Conferences)

Department of Chemistry & Chemical Science

Proceedings of the Conference

Title of the paper Title of the proceedings of the conference Name of the publisher ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Year Link of the Document
Investigation on Raman spectroscopic and ionic conductivity of ionic liquid immobilized PEO based quasi-solid electrolyte membranes. Advances in Functional Materials proceedings Springer Nature 978-981-16-5971- 3 2022 Link
Structural, dielectric and conductive properties of Ag substituted (La0.80Sr0.20)1-xAgxMnO3{x = 0.15 and 0.20} cathode material for SOFCs Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2022) Elsevier 9781003334538 2023 Link