The vision of the School of Social Sciences is to offer the young aspiring researchers, social scientist and development professionals an interdisciplinary and dynamic milieu, where they can develop comprehensive and critical awareness of diverse discipline such as History, Sociology, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology, and other areas of Social Sciences.
The mission of the School is to impart training in diverse research areas that span an array of fields such as Social, economic, cultural and political history, Economics, Statistics, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, Political Science, Geography, Archaeology, Genealogy, and Community Studies and syllabi that should provide the students a broader understanding of conceptual and applied skills necessary to collect data from different sources pertaining to past and present, analyze socio-cultural and economic scenario with the help of relevant tools, apply relevant technologies for survey, field work, Archaeological excavation, consultation of Archival Material and construct the picture of a particular social phenomenon for a clear understanding of complex issues concerning our societies. The school of Social Sciences aims at undertaking theoretical, conceptual and innovative exercise to propose solutions to the contemporary socio-economic and national problems confronted by the society.